Unclaimed / Abandoned Vehicles – We prepare lien sale documents, giving you the right to sell abandoned vehicles. According to Alabama Law, if you have a vehicle over 48 hours, you must report the vehicle unclaimed to the State Dept of Revenue, in ordered to continue charging a storage fee on the vehicle. you can sell it, to recoup some or all the money you have in the vehicle.
We’ll report, contact owners and all interested parties associated with the vehicle, requesting they come and pay you, if this all fails, we prepare the documents, giving you the right to sell the vehicle. Abandoned Vehicles are sold though a public auction.
Once the lien sale documents have been completed, they will be delivered to you, usually on the auction date. Sign the lien sale documents and deliver them to your buyer, if you're a designated agent, you would complete a title application using the Abandoned Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale as the supporting document.
For non - designated agents - the buyer will need to post a Surety Bond before a title can be applied for at your local tag issuing office.
We offer multi – vehicle discounts.
* Multi-Vehicle discounts require all vehicles to be ordered at the same time and abandoned at the same address.

Surety Bonded Titles – Purchased a vehicle without a title, and can’t find the seller or they will not give you the title? Surety Bonded Titles is a requirement outlined by the State of Alabama to obtain a valid vehicle title. Surety Bonds is a three-party agreement that legally binds together a principal (you) who needs the bond, an oblige (The State) who requires the bond and a surety company (Insurance Company) that sells the bond. The bond guarantees the principal will act in accordance with certain laws. If the principal fails to perform in this manner, the bond will cover resulting damages or losses.
Bonded titles are equal to a regular Alabama title. Since the title was not present when the vehicle was sold, getting a bonded title is the correct procedure in obtaining an Alabama Title. The standardized amount of the surety bonds shall be as follows:
1. Trailers:
a. Less than five (5) model years old – $25,000
b. Five (5) model years old but less than ten (10) model years old – $10,000
c. Ten (10) or more model years old – $5,000
2. Passenger vehicles and pickup trucks:
a. Less than five (5) model years old – $50,000
b. Five (5) model years old but less than ten (10) model years old – $25,000
c. Ten (10) or more model years old – $10,000
3. Trucks, buses and recreational vehicles:
a. Less than five (5) model years old – $100,000 –
b. Five (5) model years old but less than ten (10) model years old – $50,000
c. Ten (10) or more model years old – $25,000
4. Motorcycles:
a. Less than five (5) model years old – $25,000
b. Five (5) model years old but less than ten (10) model years old – $10,000
c. Ten (10) or more model years old – $5,000
5. Manufactured homes:
a. Less than (10) model years old – $50,000
b. Ten (10) or more model years old – $25,000
Bill of Sale Requirements: Must have Buyer and Seller’s Name Printed on the document and both parties must sign. The Year, Make, Model & VIN must also be clearly typed or printed on the Bill of Sale.

Replacement Titles – If you lost a title to a vehicle that you own, we can prepare the paperwork to get you a replacement title. Once the paperwork is complete and signed by you. The Motor Vehicle Department in Montgomery, will issue and mail you the title.

Mobile / Manufactured Home Titles – We can assist you in getting titles to Mobile Homes, Purchased and never received a title. We’ll just need a copy of your Bill of Sale. Titles will be issued on a Surety Bond in the amount required by the State of Alabama. Simply fill out the application to get started.